Christmas Jumpers to Make you Stand Out

So, the decorations are up and the lights on – atleast they are in the High Street – so it’s official, Christmas is nearly here!

With a month to go it surely it’s just about acceptable to crack out the Christmas jumpers!

It seems like everyone is wearing one and the shops are full of all kinds of Christmas pudding, snowflake, and Father Christmas versions.

But Christmas jumpers are tricky. How do you stay on trend and stand out without looking like you’re wearing something old and smelly that your gran knitted years ago, or like your dad when he think’s it’s funny to wear a novelty jumper at Christmas dinner?

Have no fear. Grrrl’s Life has been shopping for some slightly different Christmas jumpers that are guaranteed to make you stand out from the crowd. And they won’t bust your savings (or your parents!)

  1.  This Only reindeer hoody won’t just keep you warm, it’ll keep the snow out of your hair. It’s great for dressing down with a pair of jeans. Available from a size 8 to 16 you can choose a fitted look or save if for those really cold evenings and layer it over other tops in a bigger size.

2. Spread the cheer with New Look’s T’is the Season to be Jolly sweater. Not only is it light and won’t have you feeling all bundled up, but it makes a great change from all those jumpers with pictures and patterns. It’s simple and to the point.

3. Add a little sparkle with this robin jersey from Next. It’s proof that loads of bright colours aren’t the only things that makes a jumper eyecatching. Paired with jeans or a black or tartan skirt and black tights this would be perfect for any Christmas do.

4. The festive season wouln’t be complete without a onsie to keep toy warm from head to toe. This snowman from matalan not only looks super cosy, but with the 3D hat and nose it’s also great fun. Perfect for flopping infront of the TV and catching all the Christmas shows after dinner.

5. Who doesn’t love cats?! With this cat jumper from Asda not only will you stand out from all the reindeers and snowmen, but when you buy it you’ll also be entering into the festive spirit by donating to Save The Children! What’s not to like?

This is just the start! Why not head over to our pinterest page where you can find more great christmas jumper ideas.

There’s so much more to you than meets the eye…

SO. Fashion and beauty megastar-vlogger, Zoella is being talked about a lot in the adult world at the moment.

With her new beauty range and book out at the moment, I’m sure she needs no introduction but just in case here’s the .

Depending on who you talk to, Zoella is either the role model you guys have all been looking for, or she is teaching you all to care far too much about what you look like.

The main problem people seem to have with Zoella’s blogs and videos is that one minute she is telling you guys not to worry about the way you look [link to example], and the next she’s telling you all how fantastic the new makeup range at Boots is….you see where this is going?

Most of her critics think that this makes Zoella a bit of a hypocrite.

She’s in a tough position – you can’t please everyone. But isn’t there a middle ground?

I don’t know about you guys but I find it’s fun to mess around and experiment, with clothes, makeup and hair styles. Using your face as a canvas for some wacky new creation, like a painting, is something EVERYONE should be able to do!

The thing is, Zoella is also right when she says you shouldn’t worry about what you like.

There are sooooooooo many more ways of being a girl, being an individual, than having this season’s hair, or shoes, or clothes. You don’t need to have the right-shaped eyebrows to express who you are all the time.

So….Here’s this week’s challenge: If you normally wear make-up to school (even if it’s only a bit of mascara or lip gloss) try one day without it.

Take a picture and share it on Twitter and Facebook @Grrrlslife with the hastag #barefacebeauty and say how you feel.

This time it’s not for charity – it’s all about you!

I’ve already shared mine to get the ball rolling so what are you waiting for?